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Golash-Boaz, T., Hyunsu, O., and Kane, R. (2022). Gentrification, White Encroachment, and the Policing of Black Residents in Washington, DC. Critical Criminology.


O'Brien, AM, and Kane, R. (2018). Policing as a Social Determinant of Health: The Impact of Drug Enforcement on Prenatal Care Utilization in Urban Communities. Medical Research Archives, 6, 1-14.


Johnson-Hart, L., and Kane, R. (2018). Deserts of Disadvantage: The Diffuse Effects of Structural Disadvantage on Violence in Urban Communities. Crime & Delinquency, 64, 1-23.


Kane, R., and O’Brien, A.M. (2016). Policing by Imposition: The Consequences of Aggressive Drug Policing on Prenatal Care in Structurally Disadvantaged Communities. Drexel University Law Review, 8, 317-337.


Kane, R., and White, M. (2016). TASER Exposure and Cognitive Impairment: Implications for Valid Miranda Waivers and the Timing of Police Custodial Interrogations. Criminology & Public Policy, 15, 75-78.


White, M., Ready, J., Kane, R., Yamashiro, C., Goldsworthy, S., and McClain, D.  (2015). Examining Cognitive Functioning Following TASER Exposure: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 600-607.


White, Michael D., Ready, Justin T., Kane, Robert J., and Dario, L. (2014). Examining the Effects of the Taser on Cognitive Functioning: Findings from a Pilot Study with Police Recruits. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1-24.


White, M., and Kane, R. (2013). Pathways to Career-Ending Police Misconduct: An Examination of Patterns, Timing and Organizational Responses to Officer Malfeasance in the NYPD. Criminal Justice & Behavior.


Kane, R., Gustufson, Joe, and Bruell, C. (2011). Racial Encroachment and the Formal Control of Space: Integrating Minority Group-Threat with the Defended Neighborhood Perspective to Explain Police Arrests in Urban Communities. Justice Quarterly.


Kane, R. (2011). The Ecology of Unhealthy Places: Violence, Birthweight, and the Importance of Territoriality in Structurally Disadvantaged Communities. Social Science & Medicine, 73, 1585-92.


Kane, R., and Cronin, S. (2011). Maintaining Order under the Rule of Law: Occupational Tem- plates and the Police Use of Force. Journal of Crime & Justice, 34, 163-77.


Kane, R., and White, M. (2009). Bad Cops: An Examination of Career-ending Misconduct among New York City Police Officers. Criminology & Public Policy, 8, 737-769.


Kane, R., and Cronin, S. (2009). Associations between Order Maintenance Policing and Violent Crime: Considering the Mediating Effects of Residential Context. Crime & Delinquency. DOI: 10.1177/0011128709336940


Kane, R. (2007). Police Departments should Collect and Release Data on Coercive Processes and Outcomes. Criminology & Public Policy, 6, 773-780.


Kane, R. (2006). On the Limits of Social Control: Structural Deterrence and the Policing of Suppressible Crimes. Justice Quarterly, 23, 186-213.


Kane, R. (2005). Linking Compromised Police Legitimacy to Violent Crime in Structurally Dis- advantaged Communities. Criminology, 43, 469-498.


Kane, R. (2003). Social Control in the Metropolis: A Community-Level Examination of the Minority Group-Threat Hypothesis. Justice Quarterly, 20, 265-296.


Conway, K., Kane, R., Ball, S., Poling, J., and Rounsaville, B. (2003). Personality, Substance of Choice, and Polysubstance Involvement Among Substance Dependent Patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 71, 65-75.


Kane, R. (2002). The Social Ecology of Police Misconduct. Criminology, 40, 867-896.


Greene, J. R., Collins, P., & Kane, R. (2000). Policing Public Housing in Philadelphia: Public safety Perspectives of the Police and the Community. Police Practice and Research, 1, 397-434.


Kane, R. (2000). Permanent Beat Assignment in Association with Community Policing: Assessing the Impact on Police Officer Field Activity. Justice Quarterly, 17 (2), 259-280.


Kane, R. (2000). Police Responses to Restraining Orders in Domestic Violence Situations: Identifying the Custody Threshold Thesis. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 27, 561-580.


Greene, J., Piquero, A., Collins, P., and Kane, R. (1999). Doing Research in Public Housing: Implementation Issues from Philadelphia's 11th Street Corridor Community Policing Program. Justice Research and Policy, 1 (1):67-96.


Kane, R., and Yacoubian, G. (1999). Patterns of Drug Escalation Among Philadelphia Arrestees: An Assessment of the Gateway Theory. Journal of Drug Issues, 29 (1), 107-120.


Kane, R. (1999). Patterns of Arrest in Domestic Violence Encounters: Identifying a Police Decision-Making Model. Journal of Criminal Justice, 27 (1): 65-80.


Kane, R. (1998). Policing in Public Housing: Using Calls for Service to Examine Incident-Based Workload in the Philadelphia Housing Authority. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 21 (4), 618-631.


Yacoubian, G., and Kane, R. (1998). Identifying a Drug Use Typology Among Philadelphia Arrestees: A Cluster Analysis. Journal of Drug Issues, 28 (2), 559-574.

Peer and Law Review

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Published Scholarship

Kane, R. (in progress). Police Operations for a New Society. (New York: Cognella).


Kane, R. (2023). Policing Beyond Coercion: The "New" Idea for a 21st Century Mandate (New York: Aspen Publishing)

Reisig, M., and Kane, R. (Eds.) (2014). Oxford Handbook of Police and Policing (New York: Oxford University Press)

Kane, R., and White, M. (2013). Jammed Up: Bad Cops, Police Misconduct, and the New York City Police Department (New York: NYU Press)

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