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Golash-Boaz, T., Hyunsu, O., and Kane, R. (2022). Gentrification, White Encroachment, and the Policing of Black Residents in Washington, DC. Critical Criminology.
Kane, R. (2002). The Social Ecology of Police Misconduct. Criminology, 40, 867-896.
Peer and Law Review
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Published Scholarship
Kane, R. (in progress). Police Operations for a New Society. (New York: Cognella).
Kane, R. (2023). Policing Beyond Coercion: The "New" Idea for a 21st Century Mandate (New York: Aspen Publishing)
Reisig, M., and Kane, R. (Eds.) (2014). Oxford Handbook of Police and Policing (New York: Oxford University Press)
Kane, R., and White, M. (2013). Jammed Up: Bad Cops, Police Misconduct, and the New York City Police Department (New York: NYU Press)
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